Dark Harbour Dulse (Palmaria palmata) is created by Mother Nature along the rigid coast of the Atlantic Ocean on Grand Manan Island. Once we harvest the dulse from the wild, our beautiful long leafed dulse is sun dried and cleaned for market! Dulse is our most popular sea vegetable we harvest, supply is limited. Our world famous dulse has a soft, chewy texture, distinctive taste and a rich red colour!
We offer Soft dry & Crispy dry.
Wild Dulse is one of the fastest growing complete proteins on the planet! Rich in protein and boasts the highest content of iron & Vitamin A, C, D and E, Calcium, Iodine, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese & amp; Vitamins B1 and B2.
Dulse will improve thyroid health, help with healthier blood and blood flow, Increased fibre to improve digestion and cleansing, healthier nervous system, stronger bones, and even improve eyesight!