this blend is made with reishi mushrooms, wild foraged wild lettuce + wild foraged mullien. 

it's specifically excellent for men with chronic pain and back troubles who do not sleep well at night. 

it is also extremely useful for those recovering from an injury, surgery or even emotional trauma. 

it's very good for people recovering from drug addiction, specifically opioids and pain medications. 

it's excellent for women with hormone imbalance that feel frantic, have strange health problems and never sleep well. 

it's well suited to those that work very hard, don't take care of themselves appropriately and feel tangled, empty + lost. 

reishi is a medicinal mushroom that works to rebuild the 'vital essence' of the body. it's good kidney support. it might point you in the right direction through prophetic dreams. 

sometimes the body wants to rebuild but doesn't have the extra reserves to manifest healing. medicinal mushrooms are incredible deep support. 

wild lettuce is very good pain relief. it is considered sedative and can potentially make you very tired very quickly- herbs effect everyone a little differently. 

i like to use it specifically for night time pain relief + restoration because it brings you into a deep, constructive rest and allows your system to rewire + rebuild itself. 

it cleans the liver and detoxes old stuck hormones, among other toxins, which benefits tendon + sinew health specifically, 

but creates an overall better internal environment to reduce pain and heal troubled spaces. 

mullein improves the lubrication of connective tissues in spine + joints. 

it supports + repairs cartilage, nerves and bone. a strong ally for complex fractures and injuries to nerve rich areas.

it's also outstanding lung support. it cleans and moves phlegm + toxins from the system. 

you might find yourself coughing up old phlegm or noticing that wastes look dirtier than usual. 

(i have a pain tincture that is outstanding. it would pair beautifully with this tea. please message me for details)

this bag is enough to have 1-2 cups a night for a month or so. 

it's best prepped once a week because reishi mushrooms require at least 1 hour of long slow boiling to extract their deep healing properties.

i find it best to boil for an hour, lid tightly and let it steep overnight. (it's ok to take a cup or two for yourself from the newly steeped tea before bed.) 

instructions are on the back of the bag. i recommend drinking 1-2 cups a night for the full month. 

there are many safe, natural ways to manage pain and facilitate healing. 

this regimen is a great jump start to systematically take down inflammation and get things moving in the right direction. 

i have other pain management + healing products that can help meet you where you are. 

you're always welcome to message me for a free consult to make sure you're choosing products that are most appropriate for you.

it's important to me that you have the safest, most minimal + effective regimen to suit your needs. be well

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mirror mirror tea + alchemy
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mirror mirror tea + alchemy
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i make products to help you meet yourself where you are,

on your way to where you want to be.

hi, i'm Sydney

the one lady band behind mirrormirror

i design and carve the stamps for the packaging.

every products is individually hand stamped.

i meticulously formulate my teas + tinctures.

i've slowly perfected my line of entirely natural essential oil candles.

i wild forage and process nearly all the herbs and medicines for my tinctures + clinical practice. i sneak wild goods into my teas as much as possible.

whether you're seeking fine teas, natural candles, gifts or remedies for your health,

your interest and support means everything to me. my business is very small

but you won't find a better cup of tea or more heartfelt products from anyone else.

tea, plants + natural medicines are my life and passion.

i strive to keep my prices fair + affordable. every product is made by my own two hands

and i couldn't be happier to share them.

cheers to you☕️❤️

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