trillium is strong medicine that is only appropriate for a few specific situations.
it's not dangerous, but it needs to be taken with respect and with proper dosage.
i have both white and red trillium root tinctured individually.
trillium is endangered in many places.
luckily i live in an area with a genuinely vibrant trillium population
and i plant dozens of new live roots every year.
that being said, i do not have a large amount of the remedy.
i feel it's important for these medicines to be available for the people that truly need them.
trillium is a specific for flooding after child birth.
i mention this only because i see an absurd amount of hysterectomies because women can't stop bleeding postpartum.
it has been used with success for endometriosis. i have seen mugwort work very well here, which is much more abundant.
if there is extreme menstrual flooding i find it promptly effective.
i also see an absurd amount of young women put on birth control to manage imbalances that can be simply and safely resolved.
1/2 ounce bottles are usually more than enough because trillium is taken in less than 10 drop doses almost always.
it is not a remedy that anyone needs to take forever for any reason. it does what it needs to do, and then you're done.
i do feel that this is an important energetic remedy
trillium has a pretty tiny root that supports a comparatively large flower + body
the tiny root is very secure in rocky, poor soil and the plant prefers heavy shade.
in many environments a large portion of the root is actually plainly visible.
because they are ephemerals, i often see them buried in spring snows and subjected to suddenly freezing temperatures which doesn't seem to effect the blooming flowers at all.
in most varieties, the flowers seem to hang their heads or look delicate and almost wilted. not wilted as in looking 'sick' or 'unwell', but more like a postural wilt.
almost as if they're exhausted. the officinalis are deep red and are the only variety i've ever seen that appear to be very bold and strong.
i find that this is an excellent spirit remedy for battered femininity. it's an herb of gentle strength and thriving in conditions that may be considered harsh.
please don't hesitate to reach out to me. i consult for free for the benefit of others receiving the most minimal + effective remedies for their situation.
whether or not trillium is the best choice for you, we'll figure out what you need to meet your health goals.
be well!
i make products to help you meet yourself where you are,
on your way to where you want to be.
hi, i'm Sydney
the one lady band behind mirrormirror
i design and carve the stamps for the packaging.
every products is individually hand stamped.
i meticulously formulate my teas + tinctures.
i've slowly perfected my line of entirely natural essential oil candles.
i wild forage and process nearly all the herbs and medicines for my tinctures + clinical practice. i sneak wild goods into my teas as much as possible.
whether you're seeking fine teas, natural candles, gifts or remedies for your health,
your interest and support means everything to me. my business is very small
but you won't find a better cup of tea or more heartfelt products from anyone else.
tea, plants + natural medicines are my life and passion.
i strive to keep my prices fair + affordable. every product is made by my own two hands
and i couldn't be happier to share them.
cheers to you☕️❤️