Paw Paws Near Me

Paw paws, a unique fruit native to North America, are a hidden gem waiting to be discovered near you. At Foraged, we are passionate about reconnecting people with their food by offering exotic, specialty items. Learn about the rich history and health benefits of paw paws, and explore how this delicious fruit can transform your culinary experience. With our curated selection and commitment to quality, we're here to help you embrace the extraordinary in your food journey.


Pawpaw is a tropical fruit native to the Americas. It is also known as the "poor man’s banana" due to its resemblance to a banana in size and shape. Pawpaw has a greenish-yellow outer skin and a soft, custard-like flesh that is sweet and tangy in taste. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. The fruit is commonly eaten fresh or used in various recipes, including desserts, smoothies, and even savory dishes.

What Is A Pawpaw? Learn more here.

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Paw Paw Recipes